S – 1 Peter 3:14-16 But even if you should suffer for what
is right you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened. But
in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this
with gentleness and respect keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak
maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their
O - Blessed if you suffer for what is right. Be prepared to
answer the reason for the hope.
A – What stands out to me in this passage is that we are to
be His witness at all times - whether in hardships and suffering or happy and joyful
events in our life. When we undergo suffering, the people around us tend to notice
how we handle the situation. When they see that we are joyful in spite of our circumstances
and wait patiently upon the Lord, then His name is glorified and we become a
witness to them. This in turn can lead another to Christ. My hope is not set on
a series of circumstances in this temporary home, Earth. But my hope is set on
the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ who is my savior and my eternal life with Him.
Nothing or No one should shake me away from this hope. “Always be prepared” in
the verse point out that we should be ready to share the gospel with any person
who seeks to understand the peace and hope we have in the Lord.
P – Abba Father, Enable me to stand as a witness for you in
all walks of my life. I might not know the answer to what might be happening
but I will continue to trust in you and wait patiently upon you. Enable me to
share the hope I have in you with many others. Give me the right words and
action for this. Bless me to do this with a lot of love so as to convince them
and lead them to you. I submit my weakness to you and seek to operate on your
strength alone. I realize that without you I am nothing.
This passage reminds me of a sister at my church who
underwent the worst trauma of her life. Her life is dedicated to the Lord and
sharing the good news to others. No one could understand why this happened to
her!! But she chose to be at peace, trusting the Lord and not wasting one opportunity
to share the gospel with others. May the Lord enable us all to stand strong
just like this sister did!
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