Sunday, July 12, 2015


Phil 2:12-13
12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Salvation is not by our works. It is by grace alone. We cannot achieve salvation by our merit but it is the free gift of God.  Here Paul asks people of Philippi to “work out your salvation”. It teaches me that we need to live out your life with awe and love until the completion of this salvation. The Lord is a Lord of completion and what He has started in us, He also wants to complete perfectly. In this way, each moment of our saved life we learn through the word about him, we learn to sit at His feet and listen to Him, we learn to overcome our frustration and put our trust on Him, we learn to overcome our fleshly desires, we learn to share about His love. It is not an instant process but an ongoing process of sanctification. During our journey we realize His purpose in our life. For the Lord who found me worthy, what more to give than my own submitted life? I need to faithfully do each and every task that he entrusts me with, whether small or big. I need to move prayerfully and submit myself to Him and work my way towards this purpose. But is this a heavy burden for me? Will I be tired? No. I have His assurance that with His strength I will continue in the same fervor and desire, ready to act for Him and fulfill His purpose in my life.
Precious Heavenly Father, The gift of salvation is the greatest gift for humanity. Enable me to live each moment of my new born life in awe and love for you and others. Help me to grow, more in grace and wisdom. Enable me to hear your voice and obey your words at all times.. Enable me to be useful for your kingdom and fill me with more of you and less of me. In Jesus’ precious name

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