Thursday, March 26, 2015


S -  1 Peter 1:17,21

17 Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear

21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

O – Impartial God, We are foreigners in this world, Through Christ we have faith and hope in God.

A – Today’s verses teach me how precious I am. There are many phases in my life when I ask myself “Why can’t I do this? Why can’t I be a better mom? Why can’t I be a better wife?” I tend to look down on myself. These verses are so powerful and I can hear God’s voice say “My Child you are so precious to me, I bought you with the blood of my son who is blameless and perfect. And so In Him you too are perfect”

      We are disciplined by the father and we will be judged for what we do with the life that he has provided us, so we need to live a life of reverential fear. This is not the fear of a slave of his master but a reverential fear of a child to his/her father. Peter reminds us that we are just foreigners on this earth. Heaven is our home and while we are here let us live out a life which reflects the Christ in us. Let me not take for granted the salvation that is given to me by His grace. I can place my hope in God only through the precious blood of Christ. We stand worthy in His presence only because of what Christ has done for us. So I want to live a life that would make Him proud of me and it is not worth to waste on worldly pleasures, sinful desires and disobedience in this world.  

 P – Father Lord, I feel so precious because of what you did for me. You were so blameless and sinless yet you laid down your life for a sinner like me. I can never look down or feel ashamed of myself because what I am today is because of your mercy. Enable me to transform into your image. Help me to share your love to anyone and everyone I meet. Enable me to overcome the fleshly tendencies and engross myself in your love. I want you to be proud of me when I meet you. All my weaknesses I submit to you. Help me overcome them with your strength and spread the good news to many more people.

In Jesus matchless name I pray


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